
Batman arkham asylum joker
Batman arkham asylum joker

batman arkham asylum joker

There is some Prince of Persia style acrobatics. You get poisoned by Scarecrow, and have to struggle through terrifying, and sometimes quite personal, hallucinations(think Freddy Krueger). The cutscenes(either in-engine or pre-rendered so it never feels out of place) are cool, short, fast-paced and to the point. It covers a lot of ground, without bogging down with excessive details. This is a real treat for those already in love with the property, but no matter how little you know about this franchise, you can appreciate this - it's quite self-contained, and actually serves as an introduction that will inspire many potential fans to get into it. And I retain the right to grant that to one of its sequels, when I get to playing those. But in the sub-genre of hero ones, it is. This gets right what most licensed ones don't - looking at why it's beloved, and making sure to replicate those elements, with a laser-like focus.

batman arkham asylum joker batman arkham asylum joker

The villains(who all get epic, fitting entrances) are humans grotesquely transformed by tragedy into monsters - you are allowed to delve into their psyche(and their themes are explored) through interview tapes, that, like the story(original, and penned by veteran of the comics, Paul Dini - both ideal you don't have people comparing it to the work it's adapting or knowing the outcome, and this gets the spirit), have twists, are impeccably paced, and develop the people. making this a tale with repercussions, and while those may be confined to these VG's, it's a notable risk to take. The characters in this are all gotten exactly right. He is joined by Harley(Sorkin), who's dependent and eerie as ever. His final plan, while the scope befits the medium, is the one time something in this doesn't fit, as far as motivations go. You can only choose where to go in the hub level of the outside, and when boringly backtracking to gain entry to areas earlier inaccessible. This explains, if doesn't fully excuse, the linearity of this - heightening the isolated, claustrophobic feeling. He remains in control, and you are at his mercy. Hamill, aided by the solid, absurd material(he taunts you, and his goons, as you progress), renders him equally scary and comical - he leaves gift-wrapped, fridge-sized boxes around for you, and you never know where it'll be a bomb, or just a few of the chattering teeth he leaves around. Outside of The Killing Joke(which is where the inspiration for his appearance in this comes from) and Ledger, this is the best depiction of him.


With a compelling opening that sets the creepy, gritty and bleak tone(with Gothic architecture - tall windows, and gargoyles that you can perch atop, and hang goons from) as you escort The Joker deep into the Arkham facility(which is now a full island, not merely the mansion - albeit that remains part of it), with several stops along the way(such as a doctor checking on him), and you expect that any moment now, he'll break free - he suddenly does, surprising you in spite of the anticipation, takes over, threatens that he'll detonate bombs all over Gotham if anyone approaches the Asylum and has graffiti tagged and a statue of the warden defaced, as you now have to track him down, rescue the hostages taken, fight his army of henchmen - and he may just send some supervillains your way.

Batman arkham asylum joker